L. J. D. PUBLIC SCHOOL-FALTA registered under Indian TrustAct. 1882 having its Campus at Falta Nainan Road, Vill-Punnya, Post Sahararhat, Police Station Falta,0istrict 24 Parganas (South) West Bengal, India Pin-743504 and Head Office: “Abhishek Point, 4th Floor, 152, S.P. Mukherjee Road, Kolkata-700026 West Bengal.lndia :- “Is committed to excellence through delivering the highest quality education and through continuous improvement of standards and performance. This will be achieved by providing curriculum that encourages access, participation and successful progression enabling learners to reach their full potential and goal.”
In the post independence era also, education scenario of West Bengal is growing rapidly. Besides the proper division of the educational departments, commitment of persons, to education sector of West Bengal, is quite explicit and admirable. Government also offers balanced education opportunities and facilities to both rural and urban sector. Education in West Bengal is provided by both the public sector as well as the private sector. The modern education system was developed by the British missionaries and the Indian social reformists. West Bengal has many reputed institutes of higher education.
Improve and enhance the quality of the leaner experience by monitoring, reviewing end continuously improving the quality of our teaching, assessment and learning where all staff will be observed on an annual basis.
Set, monitor and develop standards end challenging targets, including targets for quality end Diversity for all areas of activity, including ell school teams, and where possible, benchmark performance.
Incorporate these actions end challenging targets into individual precedence management reviews In order to achieve excellence.
Provide e vehicle for our learners, customers end ether stakeholders to express openly their views on our services and have them taken in to account.
Be responsive and accountable to our stakeholders, including our learners, employees, the local Community end government agencies.
Develop and maintain e school culture which is self-critical, responsive, honest, open end Committed to achieving excellence.
Establish and maintain quality improvement end assurance systems and procedures that enable us to evaluate our strengths and weaknesses end respond to improvement needs effectively through Self assessment end action planning.
Ensure that staff are able to respond effectively to the challenges of self-assessment target and continuous improvement by investing in developing the skills of staff through training and Continuing professional development (cpd) programmers.
Operate within coherent, published planning and quality assurance cycles. Provide en environment and resources that reflect and reinforce the high standards of the school all level. To develop end further maintain a client centred service culture underpinned by continuous improvement and success across all school activities.
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